Internal Heat Acupuncture Therapeutic Apparatus
Internal Heat Acupuncture Therapeutic Apparatus
Internal Heat Acupuncture Therapeutic Apparatus
Internal Heat Acupuncture Therapeutic Apparatus

Internal Heat Acupuncture Therapeutic Apparatus

What is the internal heat acupuncture?

The Internal heat acupuncture actively generate a constant temperature, which can make the painful substances in the lesion tissues rapidly denatured or degraded, to achieve the thermal needle area and the surrounding tissues of “qi” and blood stagnation in the meridian, fascial atrophy and other lesion syndromes can be alleviated.

Product Features

  • Safe Power-off Protection: Single-channel DC output controls the treatment temperature of the internal heating needle. The entire device uses four fuses with independent module output voltage protection for each channel.
  • Working Status Indicator: The working status is displayed on a large HD touch screen, which automatically detects and identifies whether the internal heating needles are working properly according to the color of the channel.
  • Equipped with Treatment Trolley: It features the storage functions for connecting cables, disinfection kits, internal heating needles, povidone-iodine swabs etc., convenient for clinical operations.
  • LCD Display: 10.1-inch high-definition colour display touch screen, built-in temperature sensor, automatical detection and independent display the current treatment temperature of each internal heating needle.
  • High Temperature accuracy: When connected to the internal heating needle, the accuracy is within ±2℃.
  • Description
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Main Technical Parameters

Model(Diameter) Length Length
1.1mm 14cm 12cm
0.7mm 14cm 12cm
0.5mm 10cm 10cm

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